Congratulations to the 9th graders

Congratulations to the 9th graders of the Annie T. Doe Memorial Foundation for their excellent academic performance on the West African Examination Council (WAEC).

Our 16 students performed brilliantly with a 100% passing rate for the entire class. Based on our students' performance, the ATDOE Academy has been placed in Division 1 for all 9th Grade in the entire Grand Bassa county!

The Division 1 ranking is the highest level for scores on the WAEC exam.

This achievement is indeed a very big deal since ATDOE Academy is the ONLY school in the county where all the 9th graders passed with an "A" in all four subjects on the exam.

Thanks to our outstanding students for bringing pride to our school, Grand Bassa county, and Liberia at large.

We also recognize our ATDOE Academy staff and sponsors for helping these students apply their best selves academically.

Congratulations once again to our students for this top academic achievement!

#ATDOEMF #WAEC #education #futureleaders #winning #academy #Liberia #africa #purpose #raisingourchildren


Independent Probe of Liberia: Special Thanks