Powerful Testimony from Nancy Daywhea

These are Nancy Daywhea’s exact words:

Hello “Our Ma, Saya Doe Sio”, as you are called by us, the Annie T. Doe Memorial Foundation students. This is Nancy Daywhea, the woman whose story has changed from nothing to something because of your thoughtfulness to look back on your fellow women.

Well, firstly, let me say a big thank you to you and your team. Me and my family are grateful!  To begin, I worked with United Nations Missions In Liberia (UNMIL) in Buchanan for six years plus. During this period, I invested my money into the man I was married to that I thought loved me. After investing my money in my husband by educating him for a brighter future, he let me down for a more educated woman. When UNMIL left, my life went back to 0…it was during this time I heard about the sewing school at Annie T. Doe Memorial Foundation.

Immediately, I took advantage of the sewing program and I was warmly welcomed by all of your staff. But then people in my community, friends, family members started making mockery of me saying that, it was shameful to go down to that level in pursuit for a better life. I didn’t listen to them because my focus was to get this skill that will help me support me and my children. Many days, I used to stay back on campus and practice well. The happiest day of my life was, when the sewing machines were given to us upon graduation.

From that day till now, my life has never been the same. With this sewing machine, I was able to secure a mini shop and started sewing dresses, trousers and selling them. Blessedly, my present husband got employed with Mittal Steel Company recently in Yekapa, Nimba County so I moved over with the children and my most treasured property (the sewing machine) and continued sewing. When the Corona virus broke out, I noticed that most of the community members could not afford the medical masks and for some who had it from the company side, were not wearing it properly or not wearing it at all for the fear of not trusting the supplied ones. Based on this, I decided to make some local ones. Surprisingly, my local fabric (lappa) masks went wide. People from all over the county came at our location to get theirs. This news got to the company and they came to interview me. Later, they had me in their newsletter and it went viral. Now, the company has given me a contract to produce 5,000 pieces of masks . Because according to them, they find my masks more comfortable. Thank you so much sister. had it not been for you, my life would had taken a different trend. I owe this to you and the foundation.







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