Our Women Micro Financing Program provides interest free loans to empower women to start small businesses. Focus is also placed on basic business management training for budget and expense management, and how to become a better entrepreneur leveraging limited capital. Program kicks off with a 1 day workshop focused on budget and expense management and simple business techniques. At the end of the workshop, each woman receives a certificate and interest free loan to support their initial business proposal. Women are great leaders. Empowering a woman is the most successful tool to rebuild a nation.
Every year over 30 women from various impoverished communities across Buchanan, Liberia enroll in our free 6-month sewing training program to learn sewing skills and start their own businesses.
Over the past 6 years, hundreds of women have benefitted and become entrepreneurs, owning their own businesses upon graduation. In addition, we create job opportunities for the women that complete our 6-month, free sewing training program by giving them the opportunity to produce about 500 pairs of uniforms for our students annually
We continue to celebrate these women and others who are refusing to give up on themselves. You can help us continue to help these women by purchasing some of their beautiful African clothes on our website (please add link to the shop here): Your contributions are empowering women in impoverished communities and continually helping to eradicate poverty.
Through our computer literacy program, high school seniors are exposed to computers and technology for the first time. Upon graduation, girls become certificate holders of Microsoft Office Suite. 50% of the girls graduating from the program gain employment to take care of themselves and their families.
With the partnership of the ROZALIA Foundation and various sponsors, we are impacting the lives of hundreds of young girls and women in Liberia, West. One of our goals is to continue to empower more girls and women to restore their social and economic status and break the cycle of poverty that have plagued many. We believe that empowering a woman is the most successful tool to rebuild a nation.
Due to the increasing number of women as heads of households, the assumption is that a large number of illiterate women may perpetuate the entrenchment of poverty for themselves and their families, which may result in major bottleneck to the development of Africa. We believe this epidemic can gradually be eradicated if women and young girls are empowered through skills training, financial independence, and formal education which will enable them to be better positioned to lead and become better citizens.
Women are benefiting from this intensive sewing class. They are learning the art of temporary and permanent stitches and techniques for using sewing tools and equipment. These women are also becoming masters of taking measurements to prepare and make patterns to produce designs for their own products.
Our U.S. based team launched the last phase of the ATDOE Women’s Micro Financing program in Monrovia, Liberia, Montserrado County on Wednesday, March 24th, 2021. Through this program, 66 women across three counties, Bassa, Nimba and Montserrado that participated in the micro-financing training received small business interest-free loans payable in 12 months! As a result, the women have pledged to be brand ambassadors of the ATDoe women’s empowerment program! We continue to thank our anonymous donor for investing in these women.
We are expanding our women’s empowerment program to include Soap & Clora making; Tye & Dying and Interior Decorating & Fashion Ever