The Annie T. Doe Memorial Academy is a pillar of the Annie T. Doe Memorial Foundation providing free Christian-based education to 560 under-privileged children (K1 through 10th grades) from various impoverished communities in Buchanan, Grand Bassa county, Liberia. The academy is located in Sugar Cane Farm, Lower Buchanan.
In adding to our Enriched Academic programs, these Extra Curricular Activities help to build strong character within our students. CLICK BELOW TO DISCOVER MORE.

PaLava Hut in Liberia is a process to resolve conflicts/disputes by elders in the community, such as; land disputes, debt, theft, etc. This club is training students to serve as mediators to settle problems among themselves. To handle issues through dialogue and discussion. This is not used to judge, but to make peace among their friends.
Quiz Bowl is a competitive, academic, interscholastic activity for which students attend practices and compete in tournaments with other schools. Questions range over the entire middle and high school curriculum. The students are reinforcing what they have learned in the classrooms and they go beyond their assignments to master other areas.
Drama Club is an interactive, hands-on club for students interested in the performing arts. Drama performance has been shown to improve students’ self-esteem as well their confidence in their academic abilities.
Cultural Dance Club teaches the students their traditional Liberian dances. The students will be able to continue sharing the legacy of these dances for generations to come.
Choir Club is not only for the enjoyment of making music together, but teaches the students the importance of unity and teamwork. The students learn Liberian music and more popular Christian music.
Sports help develop confidence, improve physical, mental and emotional health in our students. Results from participating in sports include alertness, reduced stress, a powerful boost in self-esteem, improved teamwork skills, and better sleep.
The academy has a girls Kickball team and a boys Futbol (soccer) team who compete against other area Liberian schools.
Other sports the students participate in during Physical Education are stealing the ball, bag jump, balloon buss, penalty kick, and Barton run.
The establishment of the Press Club at the academy is for the following reasons:
To build up writing and reading skills. Students will learn how to write news articles and prepare presentations
To strengthen the use of the English language
To educate the students on how to speak fearlessly
To prepare students for a career in journalism
Reuben Bier a local news reporter and producer with Radio Gbehzohn 107.30 is mentoring and coaching our students in journalism.
He is sharing with the students on peace and security by using the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 and 2419 that mention Youth, Peace and Security. This will provide the students the opportunity to become messengers of peace in their communities, homes, worship services and schools.
Students are asked to spell a broad selection of words, with varying degrees of difficulty. To compete, they must memorize the spelling of words as well as the correct pronunciations. These Spelling Bees will also improve students reading and writing skills.

Our Expansion Construction Project is Complete
at the Annie T. Doe Memorial Academy
Buchanan, Grand Bassa County , Liberia